Andrew Christensen is Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). At UCLA, he conducts research on couple conflict and couples therapy and teaches couple therapy. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of California and has a part-time private practice devoted to couples counseling and therapy.
Dr. Christensen is devoted to the advancement of evidence-based treatments for couples in distress. Along with the late Neil S. Jacobson, he developed Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT), an empirically supported treatment for couples. Since 1993, he has been studying the effectiveness of couple therapy, especially IBCT, usually with federal grant support. In 2010, the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs adopted IBCT as one of its evidence-based treatments for couples. Since then Christensen has been training VA therapists in IBCT and evaluating the impact of this therapy in the VA. Along with Neil Jacobson and Brian Doss, Christensen wrote a self-help book for couples based on IBCT: Reconcilable Differences (translated into French, Greek, Korean, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese). He also wrote a book for therapists on IBCT: Acceptance and Change in Couple Therapy (translated into Korean), which was recently revised and titled Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy. With Brian Doss of the University of Miami, he developed an online intervention for couples: OurRelationship (available in English and Spanish). For more information about IBCT, go here.
For a more complete list of past presentations, visit the Presentations page.
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Five-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans Affairs
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Five-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans Affairs
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Two-hour introduction to IBCT for Russian-speaking therapists who have a Center in the Balkans.
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Two-day workshop for Latin American therapists
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Five-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans Affairs
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